February 16, 2012

Everybody is shady in this family. Don't you dare hide grandma!

I have been on a mini hiatus thanks to an excessively tiring job as a pharmacy assistant which is basically just packing medicine all day! I am really getting bored now and everyday I seem to be watching the clock. Its a nice place full of really understanding people that I like working with...really! Its just the intellectually numbing work that I have to do that is a turnoff. Not to mention the whole day on your feet gives you unsightly vericose veins and I get really grumpy when the pain gets really bad as I limp home.

Today I took mc due to really bad cough and sore throat and I have to say that my family is shady. In one day I realised that nobody is trustworthy and everybody here is a moron! My brother is mentally off and my mum and dad barely speak to each other. I would not call it a marriage if you are relieved to not see each other everyday. Needless to say I am always the bad person no matter what and I get dragged into the middle of everything and then get scolded for not just focusing on myself cuz I am a kid. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!

Really, the only way my life could get any worse is if I fail my A levels. YUPP then I can go back into full blown depression because then I will officially have nothing left. So yes this blog is going to be on hiatus for a while because I don't want it to turn it into just a place for my ranting. This is supposed to be a place of happy positive thoughts and support. Just that live is never going to be just happy thoughts.

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