November 29, 2011

So sick ;(

SIGH, I am currently curled up on my bed and sneezing like a mad woman.
My body hurts and my head hurts even more. Last night I kept shivering although i did not on the fan and wraped myself up in blankets and felt like I was gonna die my god! Funny how I suddenly forgot that I was 18 and supposedly independent and asked my mum for help. I was totally in no state to even get some panadol for myself. POOR MOM! Not only did i wake her up at 4 am although she had to go to work today, i also passed her the sickness it seems. Now im on strict orders to stay away from my grandma because mum says old people's immune systems are extremely vulnerable and they get sick really fast and for a prolonged period of time. OMG this totally sucks man! I am supposed to be studying biology for the last mcq paper on thursday but right now... im trying to muster some strength to go to the doc's with my dad.

Obviously today and probably for the rest of the week, i will not be exercising and will be eating 'sick' food like chicken soup and porridge or you know something easy like that. I need to recover ASAP! M y body has like the worst possible timings in the entire world. ;( OK, gonna go drag myself out of bed slowly now...bye

November 28, 2011

wanna be my chammak challo?

ystd i tried on my prom dress of 2 yrs ago and it still fits ( despite being rather tight) ;)
It totally brought back memories of an awesome night where i felt awesome and i wanna feel like that again. Well its really too bad that prom is 5 days away and i can not do much in that time lol. Besides i still have an mcq on thurs ... lol totally not on my mind right now ;( totally guilty but oh well still got time i guess. I did an hour of cardio ystd and im so sore today! i cannot imagine going for a run today and the rainy weather doesnt help also. I rather stay home and i am making excuses arnt i? oh well wadever i'll just have to see if the rain stops and i can drag myself out. ;)

Ive not eaten much today because i just feel so sick. I have no idea why but i have no appetite at all .
NOT GOOD... but oh well should listen to my body right? OH and i have been updating my iphone workout playlist and its really upbeat and motivating. Got alot of pitbull,lmfao,beyonce,jlo,some bollywood,taio cruz etc etc... LOVE IT! ITS SUPER MOTIVATING !! makes excercise sort of fun actually.

ok gonna go back to reading my book :) 'the white queen' by philippa gregory - awesome book that i bought last yr but never got to reading it lol

November 27, 2011

wake up in the morning feeling like kolaveri;)

TODAY was a pretty relaxing day ;)
i woke up at only 10.30 and totally lazed around till about 2 and met liana at cck gym for a 2 hour workout which im pretty sure will make me ache tomorrow but its all good!
I also found out that i had lose 1 kg since a week ago which is awesome cuz my main aim was to maintain and a loss is a plus definitely. I ate pretty ok today and kept within my limit which is 1200 cals per day. I had some noodles for breakfast and bibimbap for lunch. Dinner was pasta and i didnt snack at all today ;) OH n i got contacts today and omg they are so comfy and awesome that i dont even know why i was apprehensive about them. Well its late so maybe tomorrow i'll post more. BYE

November 26, 2011

As are mostly over.. damn bio mcq

HEY GUYS ;) guess what? today i ended the majority of my papers and totally went home and slept till about 5pm and then went out for dinner and drinks with some friends which was fantastic!
I don't really have much feelings about the end yet maybe because i still have bio la. Oh wadever, tonight was relaxing and PROM will be a blast as well. I hope to lose some weight before prom despite the short period of time left.

today wasnt a good eating day : i had 2 plain pratas and alcohol... ( so indian!)
                                                    400 plus i have no idea how to calculate alcohol cals so im assuming i had about 200 cals worth of drinks(2 vodka lime and whiskey ginger ale)? oh i dunno but yeah tomorrow's a new day ok!

November 24, 2011



Mirror mirror on the wall do you have to tell it all?
Where do you get the glaring light to make my clothes look just too tight?

I think I'm fine but I can see you won't cooperate
with me.
The way you let the shadows play you'd think my hair was turning grey.

What's that you say, a double chin?
No that's the way the light comes in.
If you persist in peering so you'll confiscate my facial glow.

And then if you're not hanging straight you'll tell me next I'm gaining weight
I'm really quite upset with you for giving this distorted view.

I hate you being so smug and wise.
Oh look what's happened to my thighs!
I warn you now oh mirrored wall since we're not on speaking terms at all
If I look like this in my new jeans you'll find yourself in smitherines!

By Jaimee Jones

Today is a start of something not new. I have done it before a million times in so many different ways.
Until I actually finish As for real, I'm just trying to NOT put on any more weight and that's already quite tough with all the temptations and stress eating I am prone to do now that I've been worrying so much about GEOG ppr on Friday.

After Friday, I can start not only accessing n speaking about my attempts to lose the weight, but I also need to figure out why I self-medicate with food. I need to figure out why I binge eat unhealthy junk to make myself feel better and I know the answers but I don't think I have fully accepted and come to terms with the root issues. Well over the next few months, I hope to slowly break down all the different issues that prevent me from keeping weight off and being healthy. 

todays goal : keep within 1500 cals ( for maintenance)

November 23, 2011

A new beginning

I'll start a new one Monday", we've heard it all before, but if I don't really
start one soon I won't make it through the door.

I start with good intentions of that I can't deny, I'm getting fatter by the
hour, I'll really have to try.

So no more chips or chocolate, no more 'pigging out' I'll be be very careful
what I eat of that there'll be no doubt.

I'll watch my waist get tiny, I'll watch my figure thin, Oh what a joy it's
going to be to at last be nice and slim.

I can see me walking down the street in dress size number ten, I just
have to resist and resist I will when I get a hungry yen.

With exercise in every form and regular daily jogs, you'll see me lazing
by the pool in my top designer togs.

So come join me all you tubbies, come join with me at last, I'll need all the
help that I can get to get me through this fast.

If you see me eating lollies or sneaking greasy fries, then smack my hand
and click your tongue, remind me of my size.

I'm sure that I can make it, I just need a little space before Monday comes
around again, till then I'll "stuff my face"!

Barbara Warnock