November 29, 2011

So sick ;(

SIGH, I am currently curled up on my bed and sneezing like a mad woman.
My body hurts and my head hurts even more. Last night I kept shivering although i did not on the fan and wraped myself up in blankets and felt like I was gonna die my god! Funny how I suddenly forgot that I was 18 and supposedly independent and asked my mum for help. I was totally in no state to even get some panadol for myself. POOR MOM! Not only did i wake her up at 4 am although she had to go to work today, i also passed her the sickness it seems. Now im on strict orders to stay away from my grandma because mum says old people's immune systems are extremely vulnerable and they get sick really fast and for a prolonged period of time. OMG this totally sucks man! I am supposed to be studying biology for the last mcq paper on thursday but right now... im trying to muster some strength to go to the doc's with my dad.

Obviously today and probably for the rest of the week, i will not be exercising and will be eating 'sick' food like chicken soup and porridge or you know something easy like that. I need to recover ASAP! M y body has like the worst possible timings in the entire world. ;( OK, gonna go drag myself out of bed slowly now...bye

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