December 2, 2011

back again after fighting viruses for the past 3.5 days

Yes. Everybody that's just how i look right now. Totally un-glam and just plain miserable. However, on the bright side the fever has finally broken and now I can stop popping Paracetamol like an addict. I'm so serious! Just to get through my bio MCQ paper despite the doctor's suggestion that i should go to the A&E and just do it in the hospital, i took 8 Panadols from 12am to 1pm before leaving for school. Even then, although the fever was lowered to about 38 which allows me to be more comfortable, i could barely think at all. All i could think about was my comfy bed and my throbbing head. It was the worst A level paper I have done so far but well it was really a test of my strength and the drugs helped a whole lot. Its kind of funny how my book covered desk has been transformed into a pharmacy !

Although the whole experience was rough, (no water - throw me in the sahara desert and can start a charity for me) I learnt afew things.

 How much my parents and grandma love me.
yeah yeah... I'm a typical slam door and one word reply teenager but omg this week has made me so thankful for my parents and grandma.My mum fought with her superior to take leave to take care of me when my fever hit 40 which is pretty dangerous apparently and slept with me every night and thus never got any sleep at all. My dad also woke up at 2,3,4AM in the morning when my fever peaked to about 40 to ice my head while my mum got some sleep before work the next day.They worked like a well-oiled team to take care of their 18 yr old that needed them.Although I always shout 'IM 18 and next year I wont even be here' to declare my independence when we get into fights, at those moments when I was scared,weak and shivering with my eyes rolling back, them being there was so comforting. It almost was like I was a child again suddenly and yeah very intense at that moment. I also now regret mocking my grandma and being annoyed at her because despite being old and vulnerable to viruses, she didnt care and constantly told me funny stories and made me laugh.

OKOK, enough mushy stuff! yeah , I may be getting a bit drama but I really feel like the sickness was a blessing in disguise because it brought the family(except my brother...shakes head)much closer together. Yeah my brother is immature and did not even look at me throughout the few days and just continued with his life and did not even say 'get well akka'. I don't expect him to even care much but I am worried that our relationship is gone for good and I may have lost connection with my only sibling whom i used to be close to.That saddens me greatly and I guess I have to slowly work on that during this break. ;(

Another thing that happened was that when i was using facebook to get my mind off the fever, an old friend called Maga from secondary school gave me advice on weight loss and i really appreciated it.
Sometimes we get help from places we don't expect from and it feels nice to know that despite my behavior towards her in secondary school, we can sort of move past it.I have changed quite a lot in JC and have become a lot more mellow and i dunno ZEN? Looking back now, i regret things i did and said in secondary school but at that time I guess I was caught up in the moment. I will be changing my routine towards just more cardio instead of doing cardio and strength. Will also be working on running which i have never been able to do but I now have all the time in the world to build up my stamina slowly. (using maga's advice - she is an awesome competitive runner and has the medals to prove it)

Alrite , i can feel the cough mixture kicking in so I am not even gonna edit... bye ;)

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