December 12, 2011

I just wanna be ok be ok be ok...i just wanna be ok today

Today i feel like those grey dudes above.
I ended my A levels about 11 days ago only and yet I already feel so lost and directionless. There seems
to be this sense of restlessness that has taken over me and Its a very weird feeling. I almost wish all I had to think about was holiday homework and heading off to another year of school life. But no! That part of my life seems to be over for now and that scares me a great deal. My whole life has been about school and even Post-Os i knew that in a few months there will be JC and I knew what exactly I was going to do in the future but now Its totally different. I don't know what I want in life and I don't know what to do with myself. I feel like I am in a reverie and all I do is go out and learn driving theory and thats keeping me busy but there is always this question in the back of my mind - how long am I going to go on like this? Whats next? What do you wanna do?

At this point I don't know if I still wanna do law? or do journalism? or what?
Or is it too early to think about it at all?
I feel some sort of anxiety about the next few months of my life. ARGH!
I am so not ready for all this life changing decisions and should be enjoying myself now.
Don't get me wrong... i do enjoy running and cooking healthy meals
and watching dramas and going out - but it gets old and boring really quick.


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