December 20, 2011

The life of an Intern...

Its my second day in the office and I must say time passes rather slowly. Yesterday was quite interesting because It was the first day I have ever spent in an office ever and everything seemed new and I met all these different people and also was given tasks to do that kept me busy. I got the chance to read case files with many emails that i filed and summarised. The firm I'm at specialises in maritime law and shipping law so I got to read about how shipment deals go bad leading to arbitration and It involved parties from various regions such as Thailand, Indonesia, India and of course Singapore as well. I also read this 'training agreement' where this company in the UAE was paying for transfer of technological knowledge and process from another company and all the legal conditions that went with the contract. There are so many clauses of conditions about payment or the number of trainers provided to machinery specifics and even equipment involved in the process. Its interesting to me because we learn about technological transfers between companies and mergers in human geog/lit and it gives me hope that mugging all that content for A's might actually end up being useful in the future! 

However, I totally get why my friends who did internships before me and are doing it now are grumbling because 9-5 is really quite tiring even if you are not doing much in the office for some reason. Besides, after A's I have been totally slacking off so getting up early to squeeze my way into a train and spending the day in a cubicle takes a bit of getting used to I guess. Oh! and I found out something really funny - I like the paper smell in the office (My area is opposite the printing/photocopy room)...yeah weird smell preference right?
Oh and my strategy to get through the next few days is to listen to good music while doing the tasks Im given and going to lunch with friends. 

And omg! This lawyer just asked me if I wanna go along to court with her! Hell YEAH! ok.. exciting!! She said we can leave in about 10-15 minutes!  0.0! ok adios people


  1. So you're blogging from the office? :) Tsk tsk haha

  2. haha... its not a crime! perks of being an intern - not constantly busy ;) i have some free time in between


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