November 27, 2011

wake up in the morning feeling like kolaveri;)

TODAY was a pretty relaxing day ;)
i woke up at only 10.30 and totally lazed around till about 2 and met liana at cck gym for a 2 hour workout which im pretty sure will make me ache tomorrow but its all good!
I also found out that i had lose 1 kg since a week ago which is awesome cuz my main aim was to maintain and a loss is a plus definitely. I ate pretty ok today and kept within my limit which is 1200 cals per day. I had some noodles for breakfast and bibimbap for lunch. Dinner was pasta and i didnt snack at all today ;) OH n i got contacts today and omg they are so comfy and awesome that i dont even know why i was apprehensive about them. Well its late so maybe tomorrow i'll post more. BYE

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