March 22, 2012

Food Poisoning and Fucked up parental drama

I have been suffering from a bad case of food poisoning lately and been out of sorts.
I feel physically exhausted and to add to this my parents are just being assholes at the moment. I just feel like crying and asking them to just seperate and go their own ways. I am just tired of being the middle constantly and no one listens to me and what I have to say because they are just interested in bashing each other and telling me things. I am just an outlet for them to vent their frustrations and they dont seem to notice how affected I am by it.They think I should just listen and support them but its mentally exhausting. On one side I see my poor dad struggling with a black sheep hopeless brother who needs a place to stay. On one side I see my mother stressed and complaining of panic attacks due to my father and his questioning about the money that she has supposedly just spent. I dont know who to believe and honestly feel lost.

The last time I went crazy and did a screaming match with both of them and tried to end it once and for all but then they suddenly became united and said 'oh its normal' 'everyone fights' 'u r just a kid' 'ok we wont talk about it anymore' etc and i got so pissed I did not talk to them for days and they acted like we were one big fucking family and laughed and joked. As time went by I also relented and thought maybe I was just over reacting but here we are again. back to square one. Here I am again, in tears typing away furiously in the middle of the night in pitch darkness.

I am so sick of this... my constantly upset stomach and this drama and my life basically. The tough period of time earlier in the year that totally pissed me off because of how differently my brother and i are treated in the same situation. Then my less than stellar A level grades. My depressing job that I am stuck to (despite the nice colleagues). Now my parents. My life long battle with body image and weight. Everything basically is falling apart. I am falling apart. But then no one cares cuz they are too busy bashing each other.

Its a vicious cycle. Soon they will put on the masks again and pretend to be fine. My dad will drive us around and go grocery shopping with my mum. Go to weddings together and be the perfect couple. They will watch tv and laugh together. Then one month later my dad will use me as a therapist again and my mum will complain and try to get my sympathy again. The sad part is that my dad's obsession with money issues comes from his own parents that were irresponsible. One spent money like she was a billionaire and the other was a flat out drunk. My father worked so hard to support his family since 18 and is anxious about saving and being strict with spending till today. My mother is a rather spoilt only girl child in a family of four children. Her brothers are all relatively well off except for one which is another hushed up family secret. OMG.... honestly all this is being thrown at me full force and I am so over it. IF i made a detailed post out of it.. it would be bloody long.

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