April 26, 2012

A week of absolute bliss ;)

OK so this week i've been lazing around the house or going out shopping and just totally relaxing. I just ended my first job last week and I start a new job on Monday so i have exactly a week of fun and relaxation. I wake up at 11 and spend my time watching TV or going out shopping. In other words just doing fun stuff. Even went for an AWESOME karaoke session with my girlfriends. Even though my exercise and and diet hasn't been that great this week, I'm just hoping to maintain and get back once i start the new job and get into the same old work-gym-home routine again. I feel like life is just more structured when I work. You know getting up at a certain time, having set times for meals and having something to do everyday. I also find it easier to go from work to gym rather than getting off my couch at home and dragging myself to the gym. Not to mention the fact that I tend to mindlessly eat at home while watching tv and movies. I'm kinda excited to go for my dance lesson tomorrow cause its a good workout! However, that means tomorrow is friday and my week of pure bliss is coming to a sad end. Its ok! HAPPY THOUGHTS! work = routine = income and a new experience so all's good !

Oh , and I got accepted into NUS AND SMU! I am just so thankful and I feel so blessed. I know its not just pure luck but years of hard work and dedication so I guess It all paid off. At first I was so relieved to get coveted places in University but then I realised I had big decisions to make regarding where I should go. The worst part is that everyone has an opinion and ITS MY LIFE. My parents want me to go to NUS but I am not sure. I am currently not thinking about it and will make a decision probably in mid-late may. Call it procrastination or just pure denial but Its not easy for me to make a final decision regarding my future so easily. Maybe I will think it through during a quiet workout or a solitary jog in the park. One thing I won't be doing is stress eating. I tend to do that a lot but NOT ANYMORE.

April 13, 2012

first trying to cycle and now dance!

So this week has been an exceptionally splendid week! It was fun and my diet was fine. My exercise routine was also not too bad although I did sacrifice abit to meet up with friends instead. Today I had the SMU social science interview and it was really good i think. Hoping for the best!

I went for this contemporary jazz class and let me tell u it was intimidating at first! but was rlly fun after that! Im gonna go regularly! good exercise and abit different from the normal gym routine!
I am now 65.5 kg and lost 2.5kg so far since last week! hope I can keep this up man!

Cheers to the friggin weekend and a wonderful week this week. I am really happy ! Its been a long time since I was feeling good about myself

April 8, 2012

Things will happen when they are meant to happen.

Okay been exercising and eating farely well and down to 66.3kg Haiz seriously one step forward 3 leaps back. Thats what it feels like but for now I am just happy with the downward trend.

My life is still chaotic and I am really nervous about the whole uni application process right now. I got a call on thursday evening at about 5 pm notifying me that I have been shortlisted for SMU social sciences interview which was really surprising cause I applied 2 days before the dateline for applications as I had been procrastinating for SMU app. I was randomly walking into the workplace pantry to get a drink and talked to ZH who was packing ice packs for the medicine when i checked my phone expecting some whatsapps and msgs as per normal and noticed a misscall from an unknown number. I didnt want to get my hopes up and shrugged it off as a wrong number call but called back anyways. My heart skipped a beat when i heard 'good afternoon, this is smu' or smth like that and I gave them my name. Oh and I totally laughed when they told me my interview wld be on friday the 13th. Just my luck eh. ( pun totally intended)

I guess this gives me some hope that SOMEONE wants me as a student because I was starting to think about applying overseas just in case. I mean everyone seems to be getting admission letters left and right and posting pics of the acceptances on fb and I keep looking at them and going 'oh my god no one wants me isit?'

Well, now its time for me to walk into the interview and seal the deal. Everyone tells me its very gp-ish and that makes me feel confident because GP was something I was pretty good at and gives me some hope. ahh well I just need to keep calm and do what I do best. Talk.

Oh and I am gonna hit the gym after work from now on if I dont have plans after work. I am gonna bring along my gym bag n stuff with me to work so that I dont make excuses once I reach home and see my bed. WISH me luck peeps ;)

April 5, 2012

URGHHH weight gain ;(

I am honestly shocked at my weight gain of 4 kg just in the past 2 months. The two months of drama and distraction have really taken a toll on my weight loss plans. I cannot even type out the weight because I am so ashamed of it. 68 kg... yupp Its going up despite me being on my feet and walking about the whole day. Good job body you managed to store more fats even when I am active and exhausted each day. WOW really I wonder if there is something really wrong with me. I mean how can it even be possible when I am not binging or overeating and always cautious of what I put into my body. This has got to stop.  period.

April 4, 2012


The best way to motivate yourself to hit the gym and work out is to get cute gym apparel. A cute gym bag and cute attire not only gives you a reason to go to the gym, it also makes u feel better when working out. I mean it really doesnt matter if you wear cute workout clothes or old school p.e. shirts and fbt shorts but come on looking good is always nice. Therefore, in my quest to lose 4 kg before my 19th birthday , which is exactly one month away, I bought myself a huge spacious cotton on barrel bag in a fun orange color to use as a barrel bag. I think I am going to go do a fitness wear haul blogpost soon. Might as well right? HAHA ;)

OK I have been ultra busy with all the university applications and yada yada. Not to mention the full time job that is very demanding. So right now I am just trying my best to keep moving throughout the day and doing some random sit ups and lunges at home after work. NOT ENOUGH I know but I am working on it.

I feel like in order to lose weight you need to obsess abit about it. Plan your life around it I guess. It is so hard to stick to.