January 14, 2012

THE 5K RUNNER APP program week 1 day 2/3

Ok so this week i swam on monday and tuesday for an hour in a deserted public pool cuz you know not many people are free to go swim randomly on a weekday at 2pm;) HAHA it was kinda weird to get back into swimming after such a long time! The last time I went swimming was when I was still living in symphony heights ;( Damn I miss that pool with no kpo lifeguards. Ok well I just don't like the feeling of being 'spyed' on in the pool although they are there to guard your safety but yeah still don't like it.

Unfortunately when I got back home after swimming on tuesday, my shoulders and upper arms hurt like a bitch! Seriously could not even move and I took painkillers and went to sleep. I have never gotten aches from swimming before ! Its so low impact and I didnt really push myself so the pain was so unexpected.
So obviously i decided to rest on wednesday and not do anything. i DONT THINK I'LL BE SWIMMING MUCH AGAIN. The experience totally put me off it.

Thursday I started the second day of the 5k app and only covered 2.53 km according to the imapmyrun app but well its a start I guess. Better than nothing and i'm so out of shape anyways. Friday I was so lazy that I did not do anything at all! I just sat at home and watched movies and dramas.. u know lazing about.

Today however, I made nandan call me up at 8 AM SO that i can wake up eat breakfast and wait awhile before running. LOL TOTAL FAIL! We were both supposed to go run/jog wadever at 8AM but she called me and said she was too tired ( she had dance the day before) and I was so groggy i said bye and went back to sleep and woke up again at 12ish. I ate lunch and read my book while downloading Jillian Michaels podcasts!! omg that woman is so friggin motivating!! I can listen to her even when i'm dying during a jog and be motivated! No nonsense trainer!  I hope tomorrow I can drag my butt to go for another jog . OH and the program works! in the same period of time, i ran 3.56 km instead of the previous distance of 2.53km on thursday! yay! If this thing keeps working, maybe the goal is to run a 5K in 30 mins by my birthday ;) I have never been a runner and i remember my 2.4 timings itself was 20 minutes plus so yeah that would be just amazing! Ok for some people that find 2.4 to be nothing much you wouldnt understand but my fellow 2.4 failers will be able to understand how big a deal it is ;)

;) Exercise is so much more fun with apps to calculate stuff for you and it makes it abit more entertaining I guess ;) Its a must try for fellow weight losers because it makes life so much easier.

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