January 5, 2012

i'm Back ;)

Im finally back from the mini vacation and I am totally free and pumped to get back on track ;)
I have had some trouble sticking to the running thing because I find it incredibly hard to keep at day after day! I think I need some sort of easing into instead of just jogging anyhow everyday without pacing or anything.
I was telling this to someone and they suggested that I try the couch to 5k program and i downloaded the iphone app to try. It instructs you when to run/walk and the intensity slowly increases over 8 weeks to make you run a 5k happily.
yeah i just said 5k and happy in the same sentence 0.o'
Anyways, I am excited for the new year and everything that I get to do this year ;)
My resolution is to get my driver's license this year ! Oh and of course to get myself settled into some uni in a good course of my choice ;)
Yeah I know that Its expected to say weight loss should be my GOAL but its not something for 2012! Its a life goal, it doesnt end or start with this year and Its lifelong so I feel its not right to say 'OH its 2012, ok time to lose weight yippee!'. NO! its a choice that is beyond just the start of a new year.
Oh and I'm basically relaxing and taking things easy in Jan and basically gonna do nothing for the rest of the month and then get back to doing something productive and earn some money maybe?
Yay .. more time to focus on the weight loss I guess. But i feel like I am starting over almost after the diet bashing holiday and vacation time full of buffets and unhealthy food basically. sigh

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