January 25, 2012


Ok guys lets be honest. We all have had a rough patch in our lives and took it as a way out of facing the everyday duties and responsibilities we have. I have been doing that since Thursday. Just because things had gotten abit rough, I almost gave up and stopped working out like I should and honestly ate crap. Feel crappy and ate crap and felt even crappier to be honest. I am back to my normal non-depressive state now and more sensible now. Time to get back on the horse and fight on. So.. I am starting a One month mental and physical challenge. I start work on this thursday so I am going to start the challenge on that day till February the 26th. The rules I will be following.

1) at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday including after work
2) proper meals everyday and no fast food
3) drink loads of water
4) No shopping for shoes/clothes/makeup/nailpolish etc - (I HAVE A SHOPPING PROBLEM)

I am really trying to make a real change for a month. Giving up things I love to do.. cough.sho.p.cough.mac.cough.f21

Lets just see how it goes. But in the mean time I am going to shop one last day tmrw and pamper myself like crazy

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