January 30, 2012

Finally a real job.. ;)

OK so I just started work at SGH pharmacy and Its a really good job. It involves alot of walking around and basically I am on my feet all day and keeps me active. The main thing I do is walk around looking for appropriate medicines on the shelves and measure out according to the patient's prescription and pack them into these baskets that will be then checked by pharmacists before being finally dispensed out to patients. It requires some getting used to cuz the medicine are all in different places and stuff like vaccines require proper handling like packing in ice etc.Its an interesting first job and It makes the days go by really quickly because we are all constantly doing something and basically really busy. Omg by the time I get home, my feet hurt and I just wanna eat my dinner watch some tv and get to sleep before waking up to the next work day. It also keeps me sane I guess because you know when you are working hard and busy you don't have the time and energy to mope around like a sad ole puppy. I am on leave tomorrow to settle some personal business that has been causing me a whole load of stress and hopefully after tomorrow I can go on with my life as usual.

I feel like the whole of january just whooshed past me but it was a good month. I really got to relax and just spend my time leisurely. I managed to schedule and pass my Basic Theory Test and now this coming friday I will be going for my first ever practical driving lesson. Kinda worried that since its after work, I would be way to tired to concentrate and I don't wanna waste the lesson time since its so expensive you know. Hopefully I get through it properly and ITS SO EXCITING. I don't really know what to expect really. I also did some relief teaching in january and that was another interesting experience and the students were really cute and funny.It was nice to be back in a school environment - my comfort zone. There's something really nice and safe about seeing uniforms and hearing school bells. And of course lastly, I secured myself a job ! that ended up being pretty good especially since I have my good friend zhuang hua working with me. Not to mention my mum afew feet away although we don't really see each other often. AH WELL. Yeah besides the personal problem that ive been facing recently, January has been a good month. Hopefully February will be a better month and I can work on getting happier and more confident.

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